Hi all,

A few months ago I tried to install OpenBSD 5.5 in a KVM virtual machine running Linux in an amd64 computer. First tried to install the i386 version since my Linux virtual machines are i686 and was painfully slow, so much that I almost decided to not use OpenBSD. Then I tried with the amd64 version and ran blazingly fast, was so impressed that I'm here.

Time passed and installed some i386 virtual machines running in atom chips without issues and so far have been running fine so I forgot the issue, but last week started to upgrade them to 5.6 and was again painfully slow, one hour to upgrade each one. And since the slow part of upgrading was at untarring and the LED of the disk was blinking like crazy I supposed it was some issue with the virtual hard disk.

Now that I know more about OpenBSD tried again to install the same 5.5 version in the same amd64 computer, but this time using the virtio drivers, and in less than 5 minutes installed a new OpenBSD server with no issues at all. As reference this is the kvm command I used:

kvm -vnc :15 -m 256 -name openbsd -pidfile /qemu/OpenBSD/OpenBSD.pid -k es -net nic,macaddr=52:54:00:12:34:84,model=virtio -net tap,ifname=tap17 -drive file=/dev/eliseos/qemu-004,cache=none,if=virtio -cdrom /software/OpenBSD/5.5/i386/install55.iso -boot d -daemonize

I would like to share this because I have read in many places about hard disk slowliness with OpenBSD, verly likely dissapointing new users when in fact OpenBSD is very good.

Best regards,
Jorge Lopez.

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