Hi Andrew,

On Sat, Jan 17, 2015 at 4:13 PM, Andrew Lester <martinblan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello misc,
> I've got some simple questions on the patch process which I couldn't find 
> answers to on
> my own. Currently I am running 5.5-RELEASE, and sitting on my 5.6 disc set 
> waiting to
> upgrade. I want to make sure I've been patching my 5.5 system correctly 
> first, though. :)

You don't need to apply the 5.5 patches to upgrade to 5.6. Use your CD
to upgrade to 5.6 and then apply the 5.6 errata.

> 1) Can patches be applied selectively and out of order?

Don't do that.

> 2) Is it necessary to reboot the system between each patch, or can a batch be 
> applied,
> and then a reboot performed?

Read the instructions at the top of each patch. If it says to reboot,
reboot. Obviously if you update your kernel you should reboot at the

> 3) Early on I made what I hope is an inconsequential mistake. One of the 
> first patches
> that I applied, I ran the signify command not from root, but using sudo, and 
> didn't put
> sudo in the second part of the piped command. I didn't catch this until after 
> going
> through the make obj, make and make install process (with sudo). When I 
> realized the
> second part of the original signify command didn't work successfully as it 
> was not run
> with root privileges, I just went through the process again, from the root 
> account. Doing
> this seemed to be successful. Does anybody know if this would have failed for 
> any reason?

I've no idea what you did. Follow the instructions and you won't have a problem.

> My next question is regarding patching the kernel, as is the case with the 
> 013, 016 and
> 017 patches for OpenBSD 5.5-RELEASE. Unlike the other patches, kernel patches 
> don't have
> explicit instructions on rebuilding the kernel. I believe I've found a 
> correct procedure,
> and would like to confirm it will work. My system uses the AMD64 GENERIC.MP 
> kernel. Is the
> below process correct?

See the FAQ:


> Finally, I arrive at my last question, and it relates to another careless 
> mistake on my
> part. :( I downloaded the sig files, and ran the associated signify commands 
> for patch 013
> and 016 before realizing they were kernel patches and I didn't know how to 
> recompile the
> kernel yet. I caught 017 luckily (fool me thrice?).
> Is it a problem that the source patches for 013 and 016 have both been 
> applied, without
> going through the make process between? If so, is there a way I can revert 
> the 016 source
> patch so I can first make and install the 013 patch? If not, is it safe to 
> recompile the
> kernel with both source patches in place? If yes, I assume it would also be 
> safe to throw
> in 017 as well so I can get all three patches in with a single compile, 
> correct?

Don't waste your time on this, upgrade to 5.6 then follow the
instructions for all the errata and you should be in good shape..

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