On 01/19/15 23:25, worik wrote:

The files under /var/www/htdocs are by default it seems all owned by
root:wheel.  What are the issues with changing that to be a normal user?

The long version....

My work flow involves building a directory structure on another machine
and using 'rsync' when I am ready to transfer it to the OpenBSD machine
to be served by the public facing webserver.

Having the files owned by a user other than the one I log in as for a
rsync session is causing all sorts of headaches and warnings from rsync.

So I have changed the ownership of all the files and directories to be
foo:foo where 'foo' is the user/group name I login as.  This makes my
life much simpler.  But I have a nagging doubt that I am doing some
thing I will regret.

As long as the files are not modifiable by the webserver, you should be fine.

Now and then I create user:user directories somewhere under /var/www/... and create a symlink to it from ~user/www.


Perhaps I need to use rsync differently or modify my workflow....


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