

  Editing commands sometimes don't (seem to) work on the first shell
  prompt in newly opened xterm window:

    $ bar^A^E^Afoo <ENTER>
    foo bar
    ksh: foo: not found


Every now and then when I open up a new xterm window, the initial row I edit misbehaves in that it seemingly does not react to the line editing commands. E.g. if I forgot to prepend 'sudo ' to the disklabel command and decided to do it later, this could happen:

  alexander@berk:~>disklabel -e^Asudo
  sudo disklabel -e

  We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
  Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:

I am far from a tty expert, but I would guess the tty is working in some kind of line input mode rather than sending each single keypress one at a time.

This has been a mild annoyance for quite some time now, but IIRC these two changes, which may affect this, happened around that time:

1. tedu@ (again, IIRC) made a change to ksh that caused the window
   geometry being refreshed for each new input line.
2. I switched to scrotwm (later spectrwm). I now run i3, which may or
   may not share the bug, if there is one.

I just got an idea and issued 'stty -a' for a 'normal' terminal and a misbehaving one and noticed them having 'pendin' and '-pendin', respectively. I don't know if that's a clue or just a consequence of something related.

I also noticed that a misbehaving terminal seems to recover (get its normal editing behaviour back), even if I still have not left the first line, if I open another terminal window. I am suspecting this could be related to some resize-info message of sorts.

FWIW, I run with the following in ~/.Xresources:

xterm.*.charClass: 33:48,37:48,45-47:48,38:48
xterm.*.metaSendsEscape: true
xterm.*.VT100.geometry: 120x40
xterm.*.loginShell: true
xterm.*.scrollBar: false
xterm.*.saveLines: 20000
xterm.*.termName: xterm-color
xterm.*.visualBell: true
xterm.*.pointerMode: 1


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