New project I'm trying to work out since the last was a flame-out. 
Trying to get my firewall to double as a secured access point so I can
actually carry my laptop around.  I've got a working card:

ral0 at pci0 dev 11 function 0 "Ralink RT2560" rev 0x01: irq 12, address
ral0: MAC/BBP RT2560 (rev 0x04), RF RT2525

and what I think is a reasonable hostname.ral0 file:

inet NONE media autoselect mediaopt hostap \
nwid this_is_only_a_test nwkey totally_sucks chan 11

Here's the problem I've run into... after staring at the dhcpd.conf man
page for a while, it didn't seem like you could feed it two interfaces
at once.  So off to Google, where the top articles (for Linux,
admittedly) seem to confirm that you can't serve both the wired and the
wireless internal interfaces at the same time.  Ok, fair 'nuff.  So now
I consider the possibility of putting ral0 into a bridge with fxp1, and
thought this might work...

inet NONE

inet media autoselect mediaopt hostap nwid
this_is_only_a_test nwkey totally_sucks chan 11
#I've also tried with the same results

add fxp1
add ral0

fxp1 ral0 bridge0 #not sure whether ral0 or bridge0 is what dhcpd listens to

and finally at the end of /etc/pf.conf
pass quick on { fxp1, ral0, bridge0 }

Needless to say, I'm getting no love there, either.  Is what I'm trying
to do simply not possible, or is there something (obvious, perhaps) that
I'm missing.  Yeah, I could go down the street and just buy a WAP, but
that defeats the purpose of learning.

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