On 2/20/2015 9:21 AM, Steve Williams wrote:
On 20/02/2015 2:19 AM, lm wrote:
Hi there!

I'm giving a try to snapshots for the first time. The system feels great,
but I'm having some issues trying to maintain base system and ports synced.

I've got a local copy of the complete packages tree for convenience, so I
don't have to update base and ports everytime I want to install a new
package, but it still seems some packages don't match the base system
and they crash.

How do you maintain your system fresh? What do you follow?


I have been using snapshots for my system, but don't update too often.
Sometimes there's a package I want to install, but because my snapshot
is old (stale when compared to the current repository), I can't get the

What I have started to do is download the ports.tar.gz when I install a
snapshot.  I have no idea if this is a "supported" approach, but I've
never had a problem building from ports when I need something "after the
fact".   The downside of doing this is I get MANY packages installed
that are dependencies of building a port.

For example:

     autoconf-2.13p2     automatically configure source code on many Un*x
     autoconf-2.52p4     automatically configure source code on many Un*x
     autoconf-2.59p3     automatically configure source code on many Un*x
     autoconf-2.61p3     automatically configure source code on many Un*x
     autoconf-2.64       automatically configure source code on many Un*x
     autoconf-2.65       automatically configure source code on many Un*x
     autoconf-2.69p0     automatically configure source code on many Un*x

Yes, I've had this system going for a while!  lol.

Steve W.

I do the exact same thing.
I have a machine up for couple of weeks and want to add some newer software I compile from ports that I had downloaded with the snapshot on a test computer. If it works fine, if not, I check current snapshot or other version.
To me that freedom is one of the great things about OpenBSD.
Thank you developers!

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