On Wed, Mar 4, 2015 at 2:15 PM, L.R. D.S. <arrowscr...@mail.com> wrote:
>>1) lynx has some amazingly insecure code
> So, remove Xombrero from base too, he segfault everytime
> and is much more insecure due to ECMAscript engine of WebKit.
> Please guys, a browser is different from a http/ftp downloader. A
> browser have HTML parser, and funcionality's for you... ahm... browse?

I accidentally posted off list the first time.  I'm just a user, but
my preference is to let the devs, for lack of a better word, dev.  If
I knew how to run the OpenBSD project to end up with something like
OpenBSD, which I'm fond of, I'd be . . . a lot smarter . . .

The app (lynx) is on the CD's as a package, for now, at least.  That
works fine for me, and I am a pretty frequent lynx user.

My 2 cents.

Carl T.

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