On 2015-03-06 09:37, Jiri B wrote:
On Fri, Mar 06, 2015 at 09:17:41AM -0500, m...@jeremiahford.com wrote:
In browsing through misc@ I am seeing many openbsd users running
obsd on thinkpads. I had heard quite a bit of rhetoric claiming that
Lenovo has been building backdoors into their products, yet I could
never find evidence confirming or disproving these claims. Erring on
the side of caution, I had decided to simply not use Lenovo.

Years later, I am now revisiting this after seeing that openbsd
users & devs seem comfortable using Lenovo.

My question is; Does anyone have any insight into these claims,
whether it be proving or disproving?

There are two kinds of this attacks - hardware or software.
If it is hardware then you are out of luck anyway, if it is
software one (like latest Lenovo MitM backdoor) then if you
would install your OS (OpenBSD) yourself you have solved
the problem.


Thank you. Yes, the most recent claims were around a pre-installed app or something similar, but my concerns were from a few years ago when Lenovo was accused of hardware backdoors. These claims went back quite e few years, but I never saw any actual evidence. Only reports the USA/Can./UK/etc. government made a policy not to use these products due to potential backdoors.


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