On March 15, 2015 9:49:11 AM GMT+01:00, Raf Czlonka <rczlo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>On Sat, Mar 14, 2015 at 07:44:38PM GMT, Alexander Hall wrote:
>> cvs diff -uNp,  even. :-) 
>On an OpenBSD system, '/etc/skel' contains '.cvsrc', which itself
>contains the line:
>diff -uNp
>So if one has created a local account the "standard" way using the
>defaults, then '.cvsrc' will end up in your $HOME, which in turn will
>make specifying the above options redundant.

Indeed. I have however been bitten by the up -P (or -dP?) in there, so I'm not 
too fond of those defaults. I always do cvs -q up -dAP by finger memory (or 
shell command history) anyway. :)


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