On Mar 26, 2015, at 1:39 PM, Dale Lindskog <dale.linds...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 26 Mar 2015, L.R. D.S. wrote:
>> Is really boring write the package repository everytime we install. 
>> Why not set the repository using the Time Zone as a reference?
>> For example, if you set Japan as your zone, then run
>> export PKG_PATH=http://www.ftp.ne.jp/OpenBSD/'uname -r'/packages/'uname -m'/
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use strict;
> chomp( my( $uname_r, $uname_m ) = ( `uname -r`, `uname -m` ) );
> chomp( my $zone = join( '/', ( split('/', `ls -l /etc/localtime`) )[-2,-1] ) 
> );
> my %mirror = (
>  "Canada/Mountain" => "ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD";,
>  # okay, I'm bored now... hopefully "L.R. D.S." will help
> );
> print "$mirror{$zone}/$uname_r/packages/$uname_m/";

Why not go whole hog and traceroute -I <everything> and see which is faster? :-P

BTW: ftp5.usa.openbsd.org seems to not be responding on HTTP, so I dropped them 
a note.  But then I found sonic has a mirror, that, though geographically 
further, is about 1/2 a ms faster (and two fewer hops).  So, it's not just 
going to other countries where this happens.


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