
John D. Verne wrote on Thu, Apr 02, 2015 at 09:33:25AM -0400:
> Somebody wrote:

>> I sometimes have to deal with PDF files (ugh) and all
>> I need is the ability to view and print them, nothing
>> fancy. With security in mind I would like to get opinions
>> on the best one to use.

> There are PDF-to-mandoc converters out there.

What?!  Where, can you provide hyperlinks?  A quick web search
didn't turn up anything obvious for me.  (I'm the mandoc(1)
mantainer and would like to know if such a thing existed.)

> Assuming the conversion tool is sound,

That is unlikely.  I wouldn't know how to write a PDF to mandoc
converter short of losing almost all of the formatting and
heuristically creating markup in doclifter(1)/pod2mdoc(1)
style from scratch.

Are you maybe confusing PDF-to-mandoc and mdoc/man-to-PDF
converters?  The latter are indeed readily available,
including mandoc(1).

> I imagine OBSD mandoc is pretty secure.

Not perfect, but certainly better than typical PDF viewers.

However, the OP asked for ways to *print* PDF files.
Even for printing mdoc(7) or man(7) files, i would recommend
converting them to PostScript or PDF with mandoc(1) and then
printing that.

So i don't understand how even a good PDF-to-mandoc converter
(whatever that would do in detail) might help the OP at all...


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