On Sat, 4 Apr 2015 09:08:35 +0900 Joel Rees <joel.r...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Apr 4, 2015 8:33 AM, "Oriol Demaria" <sysad...@the-grid.xyz> wrote:
> >
> > My problem got worse. So I tried finally to install the 2nd of April
> snapshot usb image install57.iso. It actually has upgraded my kernel, and
> now it doesn't completes boot. I get:
> >
> > Warning: /dev/console does not exist
> >
> > I was planning to reboot and build the system from source to upgrade, but
> I can't. It doesn't boot on single mode either.
> >
> > During the upgrade I got the error "illegal instruction" when the script
> is untaring the sets.
> >
> > Any idea of what could it be?
> >
> > Dmesg is in the previous email.
> >
> Have you considered hardware issues?
> I'm losing the device entries for my disk drives on the expansion disk
> controller in mid-build, and it seems heat related. (Not 100% positive,
> though.)

while overheating can cause some strange behaviour, that seems a bit
selective. nothing else on the file system disappearing?

if you wanted to monitor the temperature, you could do a small script:

_sensor=$(sysctl hw.sensors | grep temp0 | sed 's/=.*//')
while true;do
  echo "$(date +%Y%m%d.%H%M) $(sysctl $_sensor)"
  sleep 60
done | tee ~/watch-temp

that would at least keep a log of the processor temp for you. i don't know
what the other temperatures it tracks are, but if you needed them too:

_sensor=$(sysctl hw.sensors | grep temp[0-2] | sed 's/=.*//')
while true;do
  echo -n "$(date +%Y%m%d.%H%M) "
  echo $(sysctl $_sensor | sed -e 's/.*temp/temp/' -e 's/ degC/degC/g')
  sleep 60
done | tee ~/watch-temp

gives an output that looks like this:

20150403.2348 temp0=45.00degC temp1=34.00degC temp2=9.00degC

> Joel Rees
> Computer memory is just fancy paper,
> CPUs just fancy pens.
> All is a stream of text
> flowing from the past into the future.

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