2005/12/17, Edd Barrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello misc@openbsd.org,
> I have been tinkering with ruby on OpenBSD recently, and I have come across
> the following troubles, which I have researched on google and marc, but no
> cigar:
> a) I have been unable to configure mod_ruby. First if all I jumped in and
> added a LoadModule line and also an AddType line to my httpd.conf, and hoped
> it would work. It didnt.  Secondly I constulted the mod_ruby webpage, which
> offers a more complicated solution, which also didnt work. Then I stumbled
> across mod_ruby-enable in the packing list, which pretty much does what I
> did in the first case, but copies the .so to another dir (is this
> neccessary? Unaccounted for files are not good). So my basic question is how
> do you set up mod_ruby, and could it be documented someplace?

This may not be your case but if you want to use Rails I suggest you
to try lighttpd + fastcgi, it is recommended over mod_ruby.

> b) Which pkg holds tcltklib? If I try to run any program that "requires" tk,
> then I get an error like this:
> /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/tk.rb:7:in `require': No such file to load --
> tcltklib
> I have tcl, tk, tcllib installed.

Ruby is not asking for a Tcl or Tk library, but for the ruby interface
to these libraries named tcltklib.

You probably need to build it yourself from sources; it is located
under ext/tcltklib.

Gerardo Santana
"Between individuals, as between nations, respect for the rights of
others is peace" - Don Benito Juarez

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