On Wed, Apr 08, 2015 at 01:17:01PM +0200, Stefan Sperling wrote:
> Hi Henrique,
> The output you sent shows things are working fine, it doesn't
> show any problem. So we're still at square 1 with this issue.

I would say that lately I am receiving less timeouts, last day I got
only about one or two, it is not perfect, but the system is usable.

I am suspecting about some other device connected to my network, but also
think that this could also be a software problem, since I had no problem
with this device on Linux. Maybe it is the capacity of it recover
automatically from a fall.

> Can somebody please try to provide a recipe that triggers the problem
> reliably?

I will look for a way to systematically reproduce this problem.

> Note that a device timeout implies the device has failed to send a frame.
> This could happen because:
>  - there is some transmission problem with the device itself
>  - some USB problem is preventing transmission
>  - some USB problem is preventing notification of successfull
>    transmission to the driver
>  - the AP failed to ACK the frame, either because it did not receive
>    it (out of range, interference, ...) or because the athn device
>    could not receive the ACK from the AP
> Without more information it's difficult to say what's going on.
> If you're in a position to run tcpdump -y IEEE802_11_RADIO on the AP
> please watch for frames sent from the USB device and try to figure out
> where the frame is lost.

I will look at this.

> Please also see http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=141501277608157&w=2
> which is about the same driver on PCI instead of USB.
> As long as running 'ifconfig athn0 down up' restores connectivity on USB
> I have more important issues to look at and won't spend more of my time
> trying to reproduce this problem unless more information is provided.

This is understandable, I will try to get more information, and discover
the cause.


Henrique Lengler 

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