On Sun, Apr 12, 2015 at 4:28 PM, Adam Van Ymeren <adam.v...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I did some debugging using wireshark, and for some reason
> when my OpenBSD system sends the very first PPP discovery packet, it
> receives no response.

> My best guesses at what's going wrong:

> 2)  Some lame bug in my ISP's equipment that is failing due to the
> VLAN priority being 3 instead of 0, or the packet being padded to 64-bytes.

For anyone following along or anyone who may hit the same issue, setting
the VLAN priority to 0 fixes the issue.  My ISP is Bell in Ontario.

I was unable to set the priority using PF however, I ended up compiling
a custom kernel that always sets it to 0.

I was linked to this thread in private of someone hitting the same issue
and it appears that this at least used to be a bug in PF.


I'll investigate futher when I have time and hopefully follow up with a
bug report.


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