On 05/15/15 21:13, Michał Koc wrote:
Hello misc,

anyone capable to answer ?

Best regards
Michał Koc

------ Wiadomość oryginalna ------
*Temat: *what happened to the encap address_family
*Nadawca: *Boris Goldberg <bo...@twopoint.com>
*Adresat: *misc@openbsd.org
*Data: *2015-05-14 18:14
Hello misc,

   The encap address_family isn't in the netstat man page anymore (BTW, there
is no "5.7" section at www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi, just "current").
The "netstat -nrf encap" gives an error, the "netstat -nr" doesn't have the
"Encap" section.
    Don't see anything about "netstat" nor about "encap" at
http://www.openbsd.org/57.html, the google also didn't help.

    How do I check VPN related routing besides "ipsecctl -s flow" (which
isn't exactly the strait way) ?

do you mean:

man 4 enc

as in:
port:fred ~> ifconfig enc
enc0: flags=0<>
        priority: 0
        groups: enc
        status: active

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