
Theo Buehler wrote:

On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 01:04:58PM +0200, Riccardo Mottola wrote:
I'm on OpenBSD, 3.7, x86
I'm a bit confused: That would be 5.7, I suppose.
(You wrote 3.7 twice in your mail, so
I'm not sure).

sorry, that was a typing lapsus, i am on 5.7: 5.7 GENERIC.MP#767 i386

As you noticed below, I had the 5.6 packages installed.

git-1.9.3           GIT - Tree History Storage Tool
If indeed you are on 5.7, you should probably update your packages using
# pkg_add -ui
after verifying that $PKG_PATH points to the correct repository:
$ echo $PKG_PATH
$                                    ^^^

git-1.9.3 was the supported version on 5.6, on 5.7 it is

Thank you for catching this. I had the PKG_PATH in my .profile and it was left at 5.6, as I was at it, I also choose a nearer mirror. Thus I failed to upgrade packages properly when I upgraded to 5.7. I did perform the update, but pointed to the wrong version.

How do you manage PKG_PATH? just export it in .profile and be more careful when updating?

It is updating now, I hope everything is fine then! Else I will report to ports@, which is more appropriate.


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