On 05/07/15 14:40, ludovic coues wrote:
Hi Ludovic,

I wanted to know if anyone get either usbhidctl(1) or usbhidaction(1)
working and if so for which usage.

I have some issues with Logitech wireless keyboards (Wave 2.4 and K400r) on -current.

Consumer:Mute and Consumer:Volume_Decrement have no effect and Consumer:Volume_Increment actually decrements.

$ cat ~/.usbhid.conf
Consumer:Volume_Increment 1
  mixerctl outputs.master=+15
Consumer:Volume_Decrement 1
  mixerctl outputs.master=-15
Consumer:Mute 1
  mixerctl outputs.master.mute=toggle

With a Logitech K200 (with cable) and a Cherry KW 3000 (wireless), everything is working fine.

Let me know if you need more information.


Alexis de BRUYN

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