On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 05:26:10PM +0200, Piotr Kubaj wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm mainly a FreeBSD user but want to learn OpenBSD. I'm also interested
> in basic electronics, like programming own thermometer. That's why I
> want to install OpenBSD on my BeagleBone Black and write some simple
> programs using I/O pins. Are there any tutorials on this? I have found
> some books about FreeBSD kernel programming, but none for OpenBSD.
> Thanks for your help.


I doubt there's much of what you're looking for. "The Design and
Implementation of the OpenBSD Operating System" doesn't exist, and there
isn't (to my knowledge) much long-form writing about the OpenBSD kernel.

That said, the code is engineered to be easy to understand and modify if
you understand the core concepts, so much of your FreeBSD and general
kernel experience will probably translate.

I'm pretty new to this, so I might have missed something.

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