On Thu, Jul 02, 2015 at 08:08:42AM -0400, Richard Thornton wrote:
> Has anybody built RStudio for OpenBSD?
> Richard

The last time I tried porting it I gave up while trying to figure out
all the dependencies (and dependencies thereof), which are
'conveniently' fetched from github and the like, and compiled by a bunch
of automatically called install scripts. A lot of these dependencies
required patching (which is a PITA with this 'automatic installation'
method) and/or were available as (OpenBSD) packages, which I find much

<personal rambling>
It wasn't long before I decided it just wasn't worth the effort. Plus
RStudio -- which has some *very* strong selling points, don't get me
wrong -- has been getting a bit too bloatware-y for my taste, so I just
stuck with my beloved vim + Vim-R-Plugin setup (especially since I
managed to install pandoc).
</personal rambling>


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