On Mon, 06 Jul 2015 16:53:27 +0200, Walter Alejandro Iglesias wrote:

> Till you mentioned about it I've ignored the existence of
> /usr/libexec/mail.local. :-)  I'm a new to OpenBSD.  Is it some kind of
> procmail's alike functionality?

It's what delivers messages to /var/mail/username when invoked by
the MTA.

> I tried modifying the comsat line in inetd.conf, using just udp4,
> removing the ip limit prefix, etc.  I've tried installing procmail
> (telling smtpd to use it).  I did some tests stopping /etc/rc.d/inetd
> and running inetd -d form the command line.

It turns out mail.local only supported udp4 anyway (though I've
just committed a fix for that).

> With the default inetd.conf, after sending a mail to myself:
> # inetd -d
> ADD: proto=udp, wait.max=1.256 user:group=root:wheel builtin
> =0 server=/usr/libexec/comsat
> ADD: ::1:comsat proto=udp6, wait.max=1.256 user:group=root:wheel builtin=0 se
> rver=/usr/libexec/comsat
> ADD: daytime proto=tcp, wait.max=0.256 user:group=root:wheel builtin=1959e0e0
> 8630 server=internal
> ADD: daytime proto=tcp6, wait.max=0.256 user:group=root:wheel builtin=1959e0e
> 08630 server=internal
> someone wants comsat
> 14937 execv /usr/libexec/comsat
> The last two lines appeared right after sending the email.  I understand
> (in my ignorance) that means inetd *receives* the notification (from
> mail.local?).  And the following is what netstat shows:

Correct, mail.local sends a message to the comsat port which inetd
listens on.  Then inetd will exec comsat with the socket hooked up
to standard input and output.

> I know biff isn't a big concern but I insisted because I thought it
> could be a symptom of some other more important issue.

The root cause was that mail.local sends a newline character after
the spool file offset which comsat was not expecting.  This used
to work but got broken by the conversion to strtonum().  I've
committed a fix for comsat similar to the diff I send earlier.

 - todd

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