Hi Pascal,

as we have learned from Nicholas, OpenBSD will stay with libevent
1.4.x for the time being.

Do you have any plans to make the Tor port use libevent 2.x from ports?

Tor on OpenBSD using libevent 1.4.15 is significantly "slower" (less
throughput) compared to other OSes with libevent 2.x on the same machine.
I don't know whether libevent is related to this issue in any way but
I simply wanted to see whether Tor with libevent 2.x on OpenBSD is any
different in this regard compared to Tor with libevent 1.4.x on OpenBSD.

If you managed to build Tor on -stable with libevent 2.x from ports
I'm also happy to try any custom patches you might have applied.

thank you,

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature which had 
a name of signature.asc]

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