Em 28-07-2015 06:17, Wong Peter escreveu:
> Dear All,
> Recently, I'm realized that my openbsd firewall router was not usable
> anymore due to pf rules had changed by using carp and pfsync mechanism.
> Here is my prove.
> I'm tried to reinstall the whole machine and plugged in the modem LAN cable
> to NIC card. All my written pf rules was flush and changed. This happen
> even without internet connection(No IP address assign).
> I'm suspected this is did by my ISP. I'm believed my openbsd machine was
> located same subnet with their machine.
> I'm even tried to disable carp protocol but my pf rules still get flushed
> out.
> How this can happen?
> How to prevent it?
> How my ISP can synchronize its pf rules to my machine without IP assign?
> I'm suspect they achieved at Layer 2 by using mac spoofing/mac target to my
> machine.
> net.inet.carp.allow=0
> Please help. Very urgent.
You use a very controversial subject in order to draw attention in the
hope that someone will help you. And not only you can't manage to give a
shred of evidence to support your claim, as you can't even manage to
provide enough information for some good soul on this list to help you.
Come back when you sorted this out.

Giancarlo Razzolini

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