Em 04-08-2015 12:59, openda...@hushmail.com escreveu:
> Are there any efforts being made to port the FreeBSD Docker port to OpenBSD?

Not that I know of, but I'm not a dev and might be wrong. I do follow
@tech, and didn't saw anything docker related, ever since I'm on the
list. My personal opinion is that OpenBSD shouldn't even get near
docker. But hey, it's my opinion.

>  but it's the only way I can install Discourse

>From what I read on their site, they use off the shelf software that
might have a package/port on OpenBSD. You could succeed in installing it
outside a docker. Unless their software is stupid and try to verify if
you're inside a docker and refuses to run if not.

Giancarlo Razzolini

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