(Marcus MERIGHI), 2015.09.07 (Mon) 19:25 (CEST):
> (Marko Cupa??), 2015.09.07 (Mon) 17:56 (CEST):
> > I have OpenBSD firewall which talks BGP to 2 upstream ISPs.
> > bge0 - DMZ
> > em0  - ISP1
> > em1  - ISP2
> > 
> > 80% of Internet routes are through ISP1, including the one from my home.
> > 
> > I can ssh to em0 from home without problems - packets are being
> > returned through the same interface (em0). However, I can't ssh to em1,
> > I guess because packets are being returned through the other interface
> > (em0). I am not sure if packets are being blocked by PF or something
> > else causes the problem.
> pf.conf(5), 
> reply-to
>   The reply-to option is similar to route-to, but routes packets that
>   pass in the opposite direction (replies) to the specified
>   interface.  Opposite direction is only defined in the contextof a
>   state entry, and reply-to is useful only in rules that create
>   state.  It can be used on systems with multiple external
>   connections to route all outgoing packets of a connection through
>   the interface the incoming connection arrived through (symmetric
>   routing enforcement).

re-reading pf.conf(5) it'd be hard for me to come up with the rule I
once wrote. there are two references in faq/pf/pools.html and
./tables.html, nothing explicit.

pass in on providerXY [...] keep state [...] reply-to ($providerXY_if

Bye, Marcus

> !DSPAM:55edc95268157998512993!

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