Peter Hessler <phessler <at>> writes:

> On 2015 Sep 19 (Sat) at 20:26:02 +0000 (+0000), Alexey Suslikov wrote:
> :Stuart Henderson <stu <at>> writes:
> : 
> :> On 2015-09-18, Alexey Suslikov <alexey.suslikov <at>> wrote:
> :> > I think you should try 5.8, there was stability fixes in urtwn(4).
> :> 
> :> 5.8 hasn't been released yet.
> :
> :How about "Various stability fixes for urtwn(4) driver" in 58.html then?
> :
> How about "To be released Oct 18, 2015" in 58.html then?

Given the fact of absence of any mentions of urtwn(4) in 58.html,
you get the idea right, Peter. Love OpenBSD so called meritocracy
again: drop tech stuff, whine about chatty users.

And, btw, good way to "attract" people having problem: wait for
release date.

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