On 2015 Sep 23 (Wed) at 18:14:51 +0100 (+0100), Craig Skinner wrote:
:Zombies are often attacking ports which don't have services running,
:such as telnet (most popular indeed....), mysql, 3551, 8080, 13272, etc.
:With a default pf block drop in on $ext_if, how can those source ips be
:added to a <scanners> table? Which all can be dropped & small queued.
:I've tried to overload a match statement, but that won't work.

I've been playing with this, too.  Overload won't work until the packet
is processed by a userland process.

:Or is there something handy in ports to help?

I don't know of any, but I have such a thing on my TODO.

Annoyingly, that TODO list is too long.  If you beat me to it, please
share :).

:By the time they had diminished from 50 to 8,
:the other dwarves began to suspect "Hungry" ...
:                -- Gary Larson, "The Far Side"

Ed Sullivan will be around as long as someone else has talent.
                -- Fred Allen

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