I'm having problems copying over some files from an external backup drive.
The files were created on a linux system and the file system is ext2 (not 3
or 4)
The OpenBSD system I've mounted the drive on and I'm attempting to copy to,
is 5.8

I noticed a lot of errors of: "Invalid argument":

Here is one example file:

# cp hw_9_test.pdf /home/chill/
cp: hw_9_test.pdf: Invalid argument

stat output:
1144 71917579 -rwxrwxr-x 1 chill _ldapd 287678511 70842 "Oct 26 11:04:18
2015" "Feb  5 15:38:40 2014" "Aug 25 12:34:01 2015" 4096 152 0 hw_9_test.pdf

I've attempted to use rsync but it also fails on many files with a similar
error about "Invalid argument (22)"
It looks like this happens to most files that have dashes in their name
them or are inside directories that have dashes or underscores in them. I
thought at-least _ was a safe character.

I've attempted to mount using options nosuid and nodev but that doesn't

Is this a known problem or am I missing something obvious, a mount option I
skipped over? Any other diagnostics that someone would like to see?


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