Em 28-10-2015 08:08, Marcus MERIGHI escreveu:
> Giancarlo, do you know of any software that does DAV the way ftpds do
> FTP? 

No, I don't. I mentioned DAV for the simpler setups.

> I've been looking for options recently and was baffled about the lack
> thereof. 

Nginx has a simple module, apache has a full solution, don't know about

> DAV service is usually built into a HTTPd (apache2, nginx, lighttpd)
> as a module. The server runs as non-root user (fortunately).
> No way to setuid to the user that just entered username/password.

Do you really need to setuid things to the user?

> Additionally, HTTPds hopefully run chrooted. Not much room for separate
> user spaces. 
> I'm afraid there is no real (Web)DAVd. 
> (Apart from davenport, which is tomcat+davenport+samba. wow.)
> Bye (and thanks in advance), Marcus

Don't try to implement the same thing ftp does on top of other
protocols. That being said, using OpenSSH you can have everything ftp
has even better. You can even chroot every user to his/her home. With
the benefit of, you know, talking ssh protocol, instead of ftp.

Giancarlo Razzolini

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