On 2015-11-02, Adam Wysocki <gm...@chmurka.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an OpenVPN server running on OpenBSD. I use tunX interface in tap
> mode (as far as I know, it's the OpenBSD equivalent of tapX interface from
> Linux, so it should be bridgeable):
> dev             tun1
> dev-type        tap
> No IP is assigned to this interface, because I want to bridge two OpenVPN
> interfaces and one Ethernet interface and assign IP address directly to a
> bridge.
> OpenVPN is running and ifconfig looks like that:
> tun1: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
>         priority: 0
>         groups: tun
>         status: active
> However:
> gof@bsd:~$ sudo ifconfig bridge0 create
> gof@bsd:~$ sudo ifconfig bridge0 add tun1
> ifconfig: bridge0: tun1: Invalid argument

On 5.8 and earlier:

# ifconfig tun1 link0

Then you'll be able to add it to the bridge.

On -current (and will be the case for 5.9), use e.g. 'dev tap1' instead
(and add tap1 to the bridge interface).

I note you say "assign IP address directly to a bridge" - that isn't how
it works in OpenBSD, you should assign the IP to a member interface
of the bridge.

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