On 09/12/15 10:42, Kapetanakis Giannis wrote:
On 08/12/15 21:47, Kapetanakis Giannis wrote:

The event happened only once and it's network recovered after a few seconds. no reboot.


Well that didn't last long.
Today I found the server hanged at ddb after a new watchdog timeout on em0.
Keyboard was not working so I could not get all the info.

I wrote on paper:
uvm_fault(0xd0ba3660, 0xefffe000, 0, 1) -> d
kernel: page fault trap, code=0
Stopped at bpf_m_xhalt+0x6f: movzwl 0(%esi),%eax



Has something changed from Dec 6 snapshot to Dec 9 current that fixed this?
I've seen that the driver has not been updated.

I've compiled new current kernel on Dec 9 and system does NOT have any problem since then.
No watchdog timeout and no crash.

Problem solved? Any link to the commit that solved it?



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