On 2015-12-22 03:32, Otto Moerbeek wrote:
On Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 02:31:58AM +0800, Tinker wrote:

Hi, on my 4GB RAM machine, top says

"Memory: Real: 1293M/3786M act/tot Free: 158M Cache: 2079M Swap: 449M/10G"

All the five first columns vary over time, in particular the first four.

3786 + 158 = 3944 is fairly close to 4GB so I guess that's the amount of RAM that the BIOS (+HW drivers?) actually left usable, so that number makes


tot: memory allocated by kernel
act: memory recently accessed, subset of tot.
free: memory not allocated
tot + free: total memory available
cache: pages allocated to buffer (filesystem) cache

all memory includes both kernel and memory used by processes.


Okay so mallocs could be a huge part of the "tot" then.

Do you have any idea of the definition of "active" here?

(As in what makes a given part of "tot" be declared "active" by the OS.)

Also what special treatment may the OS give memory that is not "active", swap it to disk??

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