> Hello misc!
> In an attempt to get a better idea on how to make all non-ascii chars
> appear correctly in windows/samba, ssh and the local console I get the
> impression that UTF-8 is the charset that is mostly used in general
> and
> also most growing.
> Using UTF-8 in samba and ssh on a OpenBSD 4.9 i386 generic machine
> that is
> about to retire works as expected, tested with swedish and icelandish
> letters outside the 7bit ascii range.
> However, the new machine to replace the 4.9-box, running OpenBSD 5.6
> on
> amd64 generic.mp #333, shows questionmarks when doing ls in ssh (using
> PuTTY set to UTF-8 in translation). The funny thing is that
> autocomplete
> using tab shows the expected letters. pwd shows expected letters and
> even
> ls | cat shows correct letters.
> Is this a known problem? Is there a solution to make ls print correct
> UTF-8?

Yep, use colorls instead of ls. Works for german umlauts.


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