On 26.01.16 16:41, Daniel Seidenstücker wrote:
Dear OpenBGPD Community,

in order of measuring the performance of OpenBGPD I need to connect it with
a huge amount of peers (realized by ExaBGP). OpenBGPD 5.8 works well with
100 Peers but if I increase that number to 250 I got every try the same
error (debug mode):

handle_pollfd: imsg_read error: Resource temporarily unavailable

SE: Lost connection to RDE

handle_pollfd: poll fd: Undefined error: 0

RDE: Lost connection to SE

handle_pollfd: poll fd: Undefined error: 0

RDE: Lost connection to SE control

handle_pollfd: poll fd: No such file or directory

main: Lost connection to SE

route decision engine exiting

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

I guess it’s caused by the big number of peers or the short time interval
they connect. I also checked 5.7 but same behavior with slightly other error

fatal in SE: session_dispatch_imsg: imsg_read error: Resource temporarily

Lost child: session engine exited

fatal in RDE: rde_dispatch_imsg_session: pipe closed

Lost child: route decision engine exited


If I split the Peers to 100, 50, 100 with 10 Seconds pause between arrival,
OpenBGPD breaks with same error when the 50 Peers are changing to

Would be nice if you can help me.
Try bump up login.conf's max open file limit.
it seem like that's the case.

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