
Yesterday I was trying to use sshfs.
I use the 5.8 release.

The man page of sshfs says:

       sshfs [user@]host:[dir] mountpoint [options]

       fusermount -u mountpoint

However, the fusermount command does not exists
on my system, contrary to sshfs, which got installed
using the sshfs-fuse package.

After spending some time to find fusermount, I
found that a simple umount works instead...

Shouldn't the man page of sshfs be changed to
state and reflect that?

After putting
into /etc/sysctl.conf and changing the rights
chmod 660 /dev/fuse0
I was then able to mount a remote filesystem, but
I ran into permission problems. Thus I tried
to add -o idmap=user into the command, which
results in immediate diconnecting:

$ sshfs -o idmap=user syko...@ssh.du3.cesnet.cz: mnt/du3
remote host has disconnected
$ sshfs syko...@ssh.du3.cesnet.cz: mnt/du3 -o idmap=user
remote host has disconnected
$ sshfs syko...@ssh.du3.cesnet.cz: mnt/du3
syko...@ssh.du3.cesnet.cz's password:

The -o idmap option is documented in the map page
and I use a command like this on Linux.

Do you have any comments or can you help?


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