On 27 February 2016 at 10:15, Alexandre Ratchov <a...@caoua.org> wrote:
> One option would to patch libsndio to try more devices (how many?).

I've also noticed this issue and have hacked libsndio to try snd/0 and
snd/1 first, which is basically the same as your suggestion.

> A nicer approach would be to handle this in sndiod [...]

That would be fantastic, but seems like quite a lot of work. I don't
know enough about the audio stack to really comment, but can't there
be problems with a device changing for the program mid stream? Or
would you add a special "trunk-like" pseudo device?

What do you think of adding a separator to AUDIODEVICE, to be able to
list more than one device (like : or ;)? Then libsndio just tries them
one after another, and you don't have to guess how many. It's a simple
backwards-compatible fix, but it doesn't address device migration.

I guess fixing it in sndiod is the right way, though.

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