On Sat, Apr 02, 2016 at 05:50:33PM +0200, Marc Espie wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 02, 2016 at 09:26:40AM +0200, Nils Reuße wrote:
> > On 04/01/2016 08:42 PM, Roman Gorelov wrote:
> > >My sndio configuration is default, OBSD 5.9.
> > >When I run a media file in e.g. mpv, and pause it without closing, and
> > >try to listen to smth in chrome _as another user_, there is no sound:
> > >
> > 
> > Hi Roman,
> > 
> > you need to share your sndio session cookie between the two users.  I got it
> > working previously (the same problem arises with mpd, where the daemon runs
> > as a separate user).  There should be a file called `~/.aucat_cookie` in
> > your home-dir, and if i remember correctly, you just need to copy this file
> > to the second users home dir.  Will check later when i'm back at home.
> > 
> > From sndio(7):
> > 
> > 
> >   If a shared sndiod(8) server is running, for privacy reasons only one
> >   user may have connections to it at a given time (though the same user
> >   could have multiple connections to it).  Users are identified by their
> >   session cookie, which is automatically generated by audio or MIDI
> >   applications upon the first connection to the server.  The cookie is
> >   stored in $HOME/.aucat_cookie and contains 128 bits of raw random
> >   data.
> > 
> >   If a session needs to be shared between multiple users, they can
> >   connect to the server using the same cookie.
> This looks slightly bogus to me.   Using sndio in record mode, I understand
> the privacy concerns. But for playing ?....

For instance, we don't want other users to play sounds during VoIP

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