Can you please test the kern.bufcachepercent values 10, 20 and 90 separately and have each of those individual tests based on 5 tests each for the respective setting?

You would need to ensure that the buf cache had equal contents at each test iteration, so each test needs to be preceded by a reboot + perhaps some "load into bufcache" niceness e.g. find + cat > /dev/null, before your actual rm and sync. Also please clarify if the files that you rm were created before or after that reboot.

Looking forward to read your results.

On 2016-04-17 11:43, Predrag Punosevac wrote:
I rm -rf /usr/ports on the newly upgraded laptop running generic 5.9 amd
MP kernel. /usr is mounted with the option softdep. It took ages for rm
to finish. Laptop has 4GB of RAM. The HDD is SSD with the capacity 931
GB and fully encrypted.

Playing little bit with

sysctl bufcacheparcent



I noticed that it is at least somewhat faster using value 10 instead of
default value 20. Has anybody noticed anything strange with rm and du -h
-s on the directories with lots of small files. Any suggestions how to
speed things up?


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