> I've been using OpenBSD (first 5.8 and now 5.9) on my primary work machine
> for a couple months now.  

I still find xombrero far faster than firefox, however I am on 5.9 and
often use older machines. However I have switched my browser even on my
windows machine to xombrero for local browsing as it saves me no
joke atleast 300M of memory with xombrero going down to 16M when pages
are idle. Some sites break in whitelist mode though, which is annoying
and primarily aside from overlaps in known security issues why I
keep both around, with w^x though I *may*?? switch back if the
performance has improved.

Were the threading changes that sped up firefox committed after 5.9 and
so in current? Perhaps some are seeing differences in performance
because of that?

p.s. I noticed the last security webkit update in mtier stable a while
back for amd64, did those issues not apply to i386 as well?


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