> I know about the pledge(2) development, but systrace and pledge are
> not mutually exclusive. Pledge need to be used inline, where systrace
> can be used as a command line tool. 
> If you remove it, many scripts that use systrace for privilege
> reduction will broke.

I guess the question is: how many people actually use systrace in
scripts? Probably very very few.

> Of course, you can put it on packages, but if you follow this logic,
> shouldn't other tools be also removed and be on packages? banner(1)
> for example, is kind useless. The cpan(1) pkg manager from perl also
> could be in packages. Same with sqlite3, I think. Or telnet, since
> almost no one uses it anymore. Etc.

I'm pretty sure that you can't package systrace because it needs to be
supported by the kernel. I expect that that's part of the reason why it
was removed: axing it simplifies and quickens the kernel.

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