On 06/06/16(Mon) 13:04, Masao Uebayashi wrote:
> Broadcast frame, coming into a bridge'ed interface, passes if_input() 3 times,
> and actually input (ether_input()) twice.
> - A frame enters an interface (e.g. pair(4)), the interface calls if_input()
>   on it.  The frame is queued in if_input_queue.
> - A task running if_input_process() is triggered.  It takes the frame and
>   calls bridge_input().  Frame is queued in bridgeintrq.
> - bridge_process() dispatches frame as multicast/broadcast (if
>   (ETHER_IS_MULTICAST())) and calls bridge_ifinput() on it, then passes the
>   frame to bridgeintr_frame().
> - bridgeintr_frame() calls bridge_broadcast() on it.
> - bridge_broadcast() calls bridge_localbroadcast(), which again calls
>   bridge_ifinput().
> bridge_ifinput() is called twice for each broadcast frames.  bridge_ifinput()
> calls if_input().  Thus 3 if_input() for each.
> These duplicate frames confuse pppoe(4), that's why it stops working.

What do you mean by "confuse pppoe(4)"?  I still don't understand what's
the link between pppoe(4) and bpf(4) in this case and why BPF matters
for a kernel driver.

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