On Sun, 12 Jun 2016 03:21:40 +0300
li...@wrant.com wrote:

> Sat, 11 Jun 2016 20:03:37 +0200 ropers <rop...@gmail.com>
> > Does anybody here have a fanless laptop they run OpenBSD on?
> > (Possibly even as their primary computer? How poor of a desktop
> > replacement is it?)  
> For a true no moving parts passive cooling system, you're out of luck
> with the desktop replacement idea.  Unless your desktop is running in
> the wireless network you connect to.  Basically, you're asking in the
> 10-20W form factor machine, which can function on convection with low
> CPU frequency even when it blocks due to failed maintenance: atom CPU.

In a lot of ways though, that depends on what a "desktop" really is to
you. For instance, you can have a "desktop" in which all you do is
email, a bit of web browsing here and there, and office work. That
doesn't need much power, so those 10-20W machines are perfect for this.

On the other hand, those types of machines are useless for high-end
video editing, which may be what a "desktop" is to you.

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