On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 7:52 AM, Miles Keaton <mileskea...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Got a fileserver with a few terabytes of important personal media, like all
> old home movies, baby photos, etc.  Files that I want my family to have
> access to when I die.
> Really it's more of a file archive.  A backup.  Just rsync + ssh.  Serving
> it isn't the point.  Just preserving it forever.

When you die, will there be somebody around who knows how to access
these files?  I have a file server running OpenBSD and I have both NFS
and Samba configured.  Samba is the important one if you want people
who are less technically savvy to be able to access the data.  Samba
makes the files easily accessible from a Windows system.  Make sure
your survivors know how to access this data or your efforts are for nothing.

Even with RAID10, your data is still at risk.  A fire, for example, can trash
everything at once.  I back up my server to tape.  As businesses upgrade
to the latest tape technology the older stuff becomes available relatively
cheaply, especially used.  I got a used SAS LTO4 tape drive and a SAS
controller for it (one OpenBSD supports) on eBay for a good price.  LTO4
tapes have a nominal capacity of 800GB uncompressed, or 1600GB
compressed; in practice with my particular data I get about 950GB.  To
protect from loss due to fire, I keep a full set of tapes stored someplace
over 100 miles away from my home.

Use cron jobs to automate tape backups, then all you have to do is
remember to change the tape in the drive.  I have a cron job that does
a level 1 dump every Sunday so the only thing I normally have to do
is change tapes once per week.  Periodically I will do a level 0 (full)
dump but I do these manually because they will span multiple tapes
and a cron job doesn't work well for those.

FFS/FFS2 filesystems in OpenBSD work reliably, but fsck can take
a while to run on bootup if the server didn't shut down cleanly (e.g.
after a power failure).  My server is running on fairly old hardware
and it takes between 30 and 60 minutes to fsck 6TB of space after
an unclean shutdown.  Putting your server on a UPS will help you
avoid unclean shutdowns due to short power failures, but extended
outages will eventually exhaust the batteries.  It's possible to have
the server automatically shut down when the UPS batteries get
low but I don't do this because I'm sure that as soon as I start the
shutdown process, the power will come back on.  I hold out until
the bitter end even if it means a longer fsck later.


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