On 2016-08-03, Hugo Osvaldo Barrera <h...@barrera.io> wrote:
> Doesn't the fact that ssh-agent is running somehow make the keys
> accessible anyway?

If it's running and you haven't told it to forget the keys one
way or another: yes.

Some screen lockers allow you to run another program;
one thing you can do is run "ssh-add -D" to kill the keys when
you lock. Alternatively when you start ssh-agent you can use
the -t flag to set the lifetime of the key; if you do this
ssh-agent will expire added keys automatically after this
timeout. (for the latter if you use xdm you'll need to edit

By itself this can be annoying as you normally have to run
ssh-add to add the keys back in before you can use them. But
if you use "AddKeysToAgent yes", ssh will prompt you for the
key passphrase when it needs it (i.e. after the lock/timeout)
and add them to the agent automatically. So it works rather
like sudo's password timeout - very convenient, and it avoids
the keys hanging around in your agent for longer than needed.

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