On 2016-11-23, Philippe Meunier <meun...@ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
>           Does anyone know of a relatively common program for which S
> is a human-noticeable performance hit?

vim with syntax highlighting. As a simple example just opening a file, the
visible effect is a small extra delay, and easy to time:

$ time (for i in `jot 10`; do vim '+:q!' 
/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk; done)   
    0m00.45s real     0m00.34s user     0m00.11s system

$ time (for i in `jot 10`; do MALLOC_OPTIONS=S vim '+:q!' 
/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk; done) 
    0m01.27s real     0m00.40s user     0m00.85s system

For interactive use, deleting lines in such a file (causing it to re-highlight
as it goes) becomes very painful.

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