
I noticed a weird thing which I can not explain.
To me it feels like a bug with httpd, or some feature that I have

I have a server running 6.0 -stable.
It runs httpd with both the roundcube and owncloud ports.
The server has only one NIC with only one public IP address.

Sometimes owncloud did not sync some files that I tried to sync with the
It was always the same files that failed, but I was not able to see a
pattern of which files failed.

I noticed lines like this in /var/www/logs/access.log for the failed files:
mail.example.se - - [16/Dec/2016:11:17:25 +0100] "PUT
HTTP/1.1" 413 0

The strange thing with this log entry is that the owncloud client syncs to
the address https://cloud.example.se/owncloud but the log entry states
All the succesfully synced files had status 2xx with the correct
cloud.exampe.se address.

mail.example.se is the address to roundcube.
cloud.example.se is the address to owncloud.
HTTP response code 413 is entity too large.

I added
connection max request body 10737418240
to mail.example.se in httpd.conf, and the problem went away.
I already had that line for cloud.example.se since before.

Now this:
# grep Viruses.epub /var/www/logs/access.log
mail.example.se - - [16/Dec/2016:11:17:25 +0100] "PUT
HTTP/1.1" 413 0
mail.example.se - - [16/Dec/2016:11:17:26 +0100] "PUT
HTTP/1.1" 413 0
mail.example.se - - [16/Dec/2016:11:17:26 +0100] "PUT
HTTP/1.1" 413 0
cloud.example.se - - [16/Dec/2016:12:05:07 +0100] "PUT
/owncloud/remote.php/webdav/ebooks/A%20Planet%20of%20Viruses.epub HTTP/1.1"
201 0

So the last log entry shows the successful sync with the correct FQDN and
the same IP address as with the wrong FQDN earlier.
I would have expected this line to have the same wrong FQDN since all I did
was to change the "connection max request body" for the wrong FQDN.

Now my questions.
Why did owncloud sync some files to mail.example.se instead of
Why does it work as supposed to after me raising the file upload limit for
Is it possible to have different "connection max request body" for the
different servers?
Am I doing something wrong in httpd.conf?

Here is my httpd.conf:
# cat /etc/httpd.conf

# $OpenBSD: httpd.conf,v 1.14 2015/02/04 08:39:35 florian Exp $

# Macros

# Global Options
# prefork 3

# Servers

# Include MIME types instead of the built-in ones
types {
        include "/usr/share/misc/mime.types"
#       include "/var/www/etc/mime.types"
server "mail.example.se" {
        listen on * tls port 443
        root "/roundcubemail"
        directory index index.php

        location "*.php" {
        fastcgi socket "/run/php-fpm.sock"
        tls certificate "/etc/ssl/acme/fullchain.pem"
        tls key "/etc/ssl/acme/private/privkey.pem"
        # Set max upload size to 10GiB (in bytes)
        connection max request body 10737418240 #This line was added to
solve this particular problem, even though the problem has nothing to do
with roundcubemail.


server "server.example.se" {
        listen on * tls port 443
        root "/htdocs"
        tls certificate "/etc/ssl/acme/fullchain.pem"
        tls key "/etc/ssl/acme/private/privkey.pem"

server "cloud.example.se" {
        listen on * tls port 443

        # Set max upload size to 10GiB (in bytes)
        connection max request body 10737418240

        # First deny access to the specified files
        location "/db_structure.xml" { block }
        location "/.ht*"             { block }
        location "/README"           { block }
        location "/data*"            { block }
        location "/config*"          { block }

        location "/*.php*" {
                root { "/owncloud", strip 1 }
                fastcgi socket "/run/php-fpm.sock"

        location "/*" {
                root { "/owncloud", strip 1 }
        tls certificate "/etc/ssl/acme/fullchain.pem"
        tls key "/etc/ssl/acme/private/privkey.pem"

server "default" {
        listen on * port 80

        location "/.well-known/acme-challenge/*" {
                root "/acme"
                root strip 2

NOTE I have censored the IP addresses and the domain names.

Thanks in advance!

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