Hiya folks,

Similar to what I done on 5.9 (http://marc.info/?t=147068569200003),
here's how I've done it less intrusively on OpenBSD 6.0:

$ cat ~/.terminfo/Makefile
#       $Id: Makefile,v 1.18 2016/12/26 15:53:13 craig Exp $
#       Public domain
#       (You're free to boil it, bake it, burn it, bin it, whatever....)

TERMINFO=       /usr/share/terminfo
DIR!=           print ${TERM} | cut -c 1

all:    ${DIR}/${TERM}-less

        rm ${TERM}-less.ti ${DIR}/${TERM}-less
        -rmdir ${DIR}

${DIR}/${TERM}-less:    ${@F}.ti
        tic ${@F}.ti


${TERM}-less.ti:        ${TERMINFO}/${DIR}/${TERM}
        print "${@:R}," > $@
        put=$$(tput blink && tput setaf 1) && print "\tblink=$${put}," >> $@
        put=$$(tput bold && tput setaf 2) && print "\tbold=$${put}," >> $@
        -put=$$(tput dim && tput setaf 5) && print "\tdim=$${put}," >> $@
        put=$$(tput smso && tput setaf 3) && print "\tsmso=$${put}," >> $@
        put=$$(tput rmso && tput setaf 7) && print "\trmso=$${put}," >> $@
        put=$$(tput smul && tput setaf 6) && print "\tsmul=$${put}," >> $@
        put=$$(tput rmul && tput setaf 7) && print "\trmul=$${put}," >> $@
        print "\tuse=${TERM}," >> $@

.PHONY: all clean


<me@puffy:.terminfo 0>$ find ~/.terminfo

<me@puffy:.terminfo 0>$ for t in screen xterm xterm-new xterm-color tmux putty
> do
> export TERM=$t
> make
> done
tic screen-less.ti
tic xterm-less.ti
tic xterm-new-less.ti
tput: Unknown terminfo capability `dim'
*** Error 4 in target 'xterm-color-less.ti' (ignored)
tic xterm-color-less.ti
tic tmux-less.ti
tput: Unknown terminfo capability `dim'
*** Error 4 in target 'putty-less.ti' (ignored)
tic putty-less.ti

<me@puffy:.terminfo 0>$ find . | sort

Put these 2 lines in /etc/profile:
$ alias man='TERM=${TERM}-less man'
$ alias less='TERM=${TERM}-less less'

Then test for each terminal in screen xterm xterm-new xterm-color tmux putty:
$ export TERM=blah
$ man ls                        # See colours in headings, options, files, etc.
$ less /var/log/messages        # Search for bsd & see coloured highlighting.

Seems OK.

To install the made terminfo files for everybody:
$ cd /usr/share/terminfo
$ find . -mindepth 2 -type f -name "*-less*"

$ sudo install -b -S -p -o root -g bin -m 444 ~me/.terminfo/t/tmux-less 
$ sudo install -b -S -p -o root -g bin -m 444 ~me/.terminfo/s/screen-less 
$ sudo install -b -S -p -o root -g bin -m 444 ~me/.terminfo/x/xterm-less 
$ sudo install -b -S -p -o root -g bin -m 444 ~me/.terminfo/x/xterm-new-less 
$ sudo install -b -S -p -o root -g bin -m 444 ~me/.terminfo/x/xterm-color-less 
$ sudo install -b -S -p -o root -g bin -m 444 ~me/.terminfo/p/putty-less 

Disable my local overrides:

$ mv ~/.terminfo ~/.terminfo~
$ man ls        # and run the other tests above again.

Yoda & Luke have a bad day with the Seagull Empire striking back
in full song with a funky lip reading band....

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