>>Two days later, I wanted to "cvs up" the souce from my OpenBSD box, and
>>was stuck at the cvs prompt, when It asks me for a password:
>>Script started on Sun Jan 15 11:20:34 2006
>># cd /usr
>># export CVSROOT="[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs"
>># cvs up -Pd
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:
>>Permission denied, please try again.
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password: cvs [update aborted]: received
>># exit
>>Script done on Sun Jan 15 11:21:28 2006
>>I have searched in the FAQ with no clues.
>>Thanks in advance for your help

I have investigated it further, and:

When yesterday I tried another mirror, changing CVROOT env variable, I
asumed that "cvs up -Pd" will pick the new mirror. But it picks instead
the mirror that is on the /usr/src/CVS directory, so in order to use the
new mirror, I needed to use the -d$CVROOT parameter.

Thanks all


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