On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 07:21:12PM GMT, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> > Given that there is no official supported way to put an
> > auto_upgrade.conf onto an existing bsd.rd, what would be a suggested
> > way to achieve the same end result - in this case, an automated
> > non-interactive, off-line upgrade?
> Hack up a solution however you like.
> But understand it isn't within our mandate to keep your hack working.

Sure, I understand that.

> So basically, it will break because it is relying on behaviours which
> are not a mainline requirement.

Yes, I'm prepared to deal with it.

> It will break, like it just did.

Oh, no - it works absolutely fine, had been since day one.
I'm must've not been very clear, sorry.



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