On Thu, Feb 09, 2017 at 10:18:44PM +0300, Asbel Kiprop wrote:
> hi misc.
> i've moved my -current system from hdd to ssd disk. everything work fine
> for me, but got some strange i3bar behavior.
> wireless _first_ {
>         format_up = "W: (%signal at %essid) %ip"
>         format_down = "W: down"
> }
> battery 0 {
>         format = "%status %percentage \% %remaining"
> }
> At first start i get what i want - iwn status and battery life time. But
> after 10-20 minutes it turnes to "W:down" and "can't open /dev/apm"
> /dev/apm exesist and and seems no problem with it
> ls -la /dev/apm
> crw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   83,   0 Feb  9 14:39 /dev/apm
> The problem is i dont even know what should i look for to determine the
> root of the problem..
> I already tried to update with bsd.rd.
> ANy suggestions?

This has been fixed recently. Update after new packages are on the
mirrors. The current packages were built before this fix.


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